SP Energy Networks

Kelpie Maquettes

Coinciding with SP Energy Networks Green Economy Fund awards event at Dynamic Earth, SPEN turned iconic Scottish landmarks green to highlight the role businesses, local authorities and public bodies have to play in investing in low carbon technology.  We supported them in Scotland’s race to net zero and lit the kelpie maquettes – a 1:10 scale touring exhibition of the 100ft sculptures sited at the forth & clyde canal in falkirk.  Landmarks across the country were lit by others including Edinburgh Castle, Glasgow’s Riverside Museum and Melrose Abby.  The solution was designed, proposed and delivered for this activation in less than 12 hours.

SP Energy Networks

Kelpie Maquettes

Coinciding with SP Energy Networks Green Economy Fund awards event at Dynamic Earth, SPEN turned iconic Scottish landmarks green to highlight the role businesses, local authorities and public bodies have to play in investing in low carbon technology.  We supported them in Scotland’s race to net zero and lit the kelpie maquettes – a 1:10 scale touring exhibition of the 100ft sculptures sited at the forth & clyde canal in falkirk.  Landmarks across the country were lit by others including Edinburgh Castle, Glasgow’s Riverside Museum and Melrose Abby.  The solution was designed, proposed and delivered for this activation in less than 12 hours.